With the Trickster's defeat came a period known as The Metal Age, during which an extremist wing of the Hammerite order, known as the Mechanists, came to power. This sequence of events would become known as the First Dark Age. With the help of the Hammerite order, the thief proceeded to infiltrate the Trickster's lair and put an end to the Old God once and for all. Losing his eye to the Trickster's trap, the thief barely survived this encounter, thanks to the assistance of the Keepers. It was during the early part of his career that the thief became caught up in the schemes of the Old God known as the Trickster. Preferring to apply his unusual skills for personal gain, the thief turned to a life of crime rather than being inducted into the order. The man who would become known as the Sneak Thief was originally taught and trained by a secretive order known as the Keepers. The term Sneak Thief refers to the legendary master thief who lived within the old City, during the reign of House Bresling many centuries in the past.